She told me about their effort ONLY to find a water source to provide the family of 8 children.
Days were hard at that time, especially for them to find water.
Their neighbor had a well but they can't access it easily.
So my grandpa did the sunah prayer and he threw a large plaited mats to a ground. In his heart, he prayed "Oh God, Please show me where i can find the water source for my family".
Then the plaited mats fell in a spot, where he started digging to make this family's well.
Because of his pure heart and intentions, after digging for about 4 meters,
he caught a splatter of a water.
Slowly but sure, the water kept pushing the ground and finally filled the hole he made.
My grandpa uttered "Alhamdulillah"
Since that day, my Grandpa had a new routine, which was dig for 1 more meter every month.
He did that all by himself, with my aunt (she was in elementary school) waited for him outside the well.
When i heard her story, my visual brain imagined what it was like to be my grandpa at that time.
I imagined putting myself 5 meters down the ground,
Realized that it was really dark and i put myself in danger for my family.
I had no idea why and how my grandpa could do it.
That moment, i almost burst into tears.
There was this feeling of sad, proud and mostly honored to be his grandchildren.
That moment, i realized that i came from a very great family
Family, that accomplished their success by using all efforts and prayers they could possibly do
That moment, i realized that if the struggle spirit could be passed on through generation,
There is huge stream of struggling spirit running in my blood.
And I could not say any more words except,
Thank You Allah, for letting me be the part of this family
and Thank You Allah for making me realize that I don't need to worry, even tough i still have a long way to go. Because i will always survive, NO MATTER WHAT!
Sean Covey, once said
To realize the value of one yearIf I Might add,
Ask a student who failed her AP exams
To realize the value of one month
Ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby
To realize the value of one week
Ask an editor of a weekly magazine
To realize the value of one day
Ask a daily wage laborer with six kids to feed
To realize the value of one hour
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet
To realize the value of one minute
Ask a person who missed the train
To realize the value of one second
Ask the person who survived an accident
To realize the value of one millisecond
Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics
(7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey)
To realize the value of a family
Ask the person who is willing to do everything for his loved ones

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