Sunday, 29 January 2006

iNi Hati atau apaan sich ????

Hhh…..nih hati terbuat dari apaan sih????

Batu ????? Tanah liat???? atau apa ???

Nih hati udah diketuk berapa kali ???

Ups…salah…harus diketuk berapa kali supaya nyadar?????

Nyadar terhadap apa yang selama ini aku dapat !!!!!!!!!

Apa hati ini perlu di bom ya?????

Biar Luluh lantah, gak bersisa……..

Berarti nggak bisa ngerasain apa-apa lagi donk????

Apa bedanya dengan selama ini???? nggak ngaruh…….

Perlu berapa kali disadarin kalau selama ini aku udah dapat yang terbaik ????

Liat kebelakang dech….. aku punya teman yang baik2 banget n ngerti gimana aku

Trus keluarga…. HOw lucky i am. Papa, mama n Nhadia masih ada disana….masih lengkap n jelas2 sayang banget ama kamu. Semua kebutuhan aku berusaha mereka lengkapin, kasih sayang yang nggak putus-putus.

Dan saat mereka bermil-mil jauhnya dari aku…ada keluarga yang nota bene nya gak tau gimana n siapa kamu, bersedia nerima aku jadi bagian dari keluarga mereka. Memperlakukan aku dengan baik…n sayang ama aku.

Apalagi yang bisa lebih sempurna dari itu ????

Tapi kok, aku kayaknya nggak pernah ngerasa bersyukur sih????

Selalu ngerasa kurang…. Paling nggak, SELALU inget sama Allah donk !!!!!!!

Inget sama yang udah nyiptain n ngerangkai tangkai-tangkai kehidupan yang aku jalani selama ini.

Aku cuma pengen ngucapin THANKS A LOT untuk orang yang udah berhasil ngetuk hati yang kebal ini untuk kesekian kali.

Kata-katanya sederhana…. Tapi cukup untuk buat aku kalah telak, bahkan sebelum bertarung.

Thanks ya…udah ngelakuin ini…aku tahu, orang yang kumaksud nggak bakal nyadar kalau yang dia yang kumaksud.

Thanks sekali lagi……… I OWE U ………

Thursday, 26 January 2006

Happy Aussie Day !!!!!!!!!!

January, 26th 2006

Happy Australia Day !!!!!!!! Hmm…. all of the town celebrated it with Barbie. Yummy…Yummy… "What do u doin’ in oz day?" that’s the most common question to ask to. What did i do?????? heaps of thingz….. da most important is…i had heaps of FUN.

Ok….. yesterday, Mum took me to drive all of Albany, we went to Ross n Dorothy’s house, cleared couple things up, and then went to Bunnings (bought something for our garden project this weekend), went ot shaz’s house and then…… we thought "Hmm…what r we gonna have 4 lunch??" i’m not really noisy about it, i can eat everything xcept bacon,ham,pork. and she knew that. and finally she said "Hmm…. we r gonna go to sandalwood factory, why don’t we have lunch there?? They have very beautiful Fish n Chips"

Hmm….sounds Good…….. even i can smell it. when we got there, we went to Cafe Sultan and ordered Fish n Chips. BUT………. we are so disappointed, they don’t serve Fish n Chips anymore, so we had Roast Beef sandwich, which i think my Tuna sandwich taste better than that. anyway…after that we looked around the factory. they r selling very gr8 products. they r made by sandalwood tree and emu oil. i bought some of them…but the perfume and oil r definitely damn expensive.

Oh…….i have 2 tell u my experience this tuesday. this tuesday Mum took me to The Gap (Natural Bridge) It was so wicked……. the view was so great, so natural. i can’t tell its beauty with words, it’s just so difficult. u should see it by your own eyes. its environtment isDscf0016 great……..very green, full of big rocks. n Mum took my picture when i was in the natural bridge, she took from the up side of the rock and i was in the bottom of it. The wave hit the rocks…. very rough… it’s a gr8 place if u wanna do suicide. Hahahahaha……. and then…the journey still went on.

She took me to the Wind farm….. it’s a place where we can find 12 wind wheels, they supply the power for Albany. when we walk around it, esp on the bottom of it…. u can hear the turbin’s sounds, and suddenly Dscf0064i felt afraid. "Please…Don’t fall off….Don’t fall off". Silly Nhira……….. Well…i love that. we can see around Albany from its look out tower.

The only problem was…. it was sooooo hot. The temperature was 34 degrees. i think i’m not used to hot weather anymore. Well…what am i gonna do when i come back to Indonesia n i have to feel the hotter weather than this. Hmm…i don’t think that i can stand with it. Hahahahahaha……

Well……….i had so much fun. dunno what i’m gonna do next, esp when i come back to Indonesia. No expectation like i had be4 i arrived here. to be honest to myself…. even i’m afraid to go home. face the iregular things again, adapt with new friends again, and stress with the lesson again, Oh…NO..NO…NO………

Hope i’ll have the good ones, even the wonderful ones…….. enjoy your time, 5.5 months remainder.

Wednesday, 18 January 2006

Aku pengen pulang ?????

Hmmm…mikir-mikir juga sih kemaren…..

Kemaren aku, Mum n Rob nganter christina ke airport. Huah…gila..sedih banget. temen yang selama ini sama-sama, sekarang udah pergi. Pas dateng ke bandara, kita ketemu temen-temennya Christina. n pas pesawat yang bakal dia naikin datang…aku liat tuh pesawat, kok ada rasa gimana…….gitu. Rasanya pengen pulang juga. Pengen ketemu ama keluarga n temen2 lagi. tapi pas mikir-mikir lagi…..kayaknya bukan itu dech…….

Dasar akunya aja yang suka naik pesawat. dari dulu klo ada keluarga yang mo berangkat n aku ikut nganter ke airport, bawaannya pengen ikut. Pengen naik pesawat……… Jadi…aku bener-bener gak pengen pulang…cuma pengen naik pesawat doank. Hahahaha…Silly Nhira. tapi ntar akhir februari juga naik pesawat kok. Aku bakal ke melbourne loh, februari ini…… Yeah…… Liburan lagi dech……

Oh ya…barusan aja pulang dari Manypeaks Rocks. That was sooo awesome. Tuh Batu-batu Gedeeeeee banget. mendakinya lumayan capek juga…tapi capeknya terobati dech…pas liat pemandangan dari atas batu itu. That was Fully Sick Mate.

Monday, 16 January 2006

Pikiran-pikiran Aneh yang tiba-tiba Muncul di tengah malam….

Dear Blog….

Kemaren malem bener2 aneh bin ajaib…. Pas lagi di kamar, gak ada kerjaan, sambil ngederin CD n nulis diary. Pas lagi nulis kejadian-kejadian kemaren tiba-tiba pikiran-pikiran aneh berlompatan di otak, minta perhatian aku. Mikiran apa coba??? Makanan Indonesia. hahahahaha…. nih gara-gara aku nulis tadi abis masak Nasi Goreng nich… Tiba-tiba keingetan cara masak nasi Goreng ala Pedagang Rombong di Basuki rahmat. Hmmm…ntar klo masak nasi goreng, masaknya pake cara itu aja. Trus tiba-tiba jadi kangen ama masakan2 lain n terutama My lovely Mum’s Food…. Nggak ada duanya dech……

Tau nggak yang lagi dipengenin apaan??? wah..bakal jadi daftar panjang nih….

1. Kangen bakso bakwan Bintang atao bakso tangkar dech…. yang penting bakso

2. Kangen NasGor basuki rahmat

3. Kangen Martabak ( paling dikangenin nich…)

4. Kangen Mie Pangsit

5. Kangen Gado-gado

6. Kangen Nasi Pecel

7. Kangen Cumi-cumi n Ikan Mas yang digoreng pake Tepung trus di maem pake Sambal Kecap buatan Mama (Slurp……. Yummy)

8. Kangen Tahu, Tempe, N Terong…….. Apalagi tahu Sumedang. Huah….

9. Kangen Batagor

10. Kangen Sayur santan, dimaem pake ikan goreng, n sambal jeruk purut

11. Kangen Bubur Manado n Ikan asin (hahahaahaha…….)


Apaan lagi ya???? kayakny udah dech…gak mau menyiksa diri lebih jauh lagi. Hahahaha…. Hua hua hua…Disini ujan mulu….. Mana donk Mataharinya????

Sunday, 8 January 2006

Yuhuuu…… I saw my First Koala

Denmark…….Here i come…… Maybe that’s what my heart cried this sunday morning.

Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you

Yap…this sunday, i’m going 2 denmark. Just in case u r wondering…Denmark in this case, isn’t "The real Denmark’ which is in the up north of the world. It’s a tiny little town next 2 Albany. I’m sure i’ll have a gr8 time there.

Anyway…i woke up early in the morning…had a shower and dressed up…When i was ready…got out from my room n had a brekky… at 7.30 am, we went out the house….We were gonna pick christina n sharon up. when we got to Albany…we met rose for couple secs, arranged the plan for this monday and asked him about their parents condition. Well…not really bad news, they were pretty good. Finally at 9 am..we came to sharon’s house. and now me n christina really say DENMARK……WE R COMING TO ROCK U ……….. We need 50 mins to get there…a long way to Denmark, we just could see Grass, Sheeps, Cows, Hey Bails or in the short word we could see FARM. Well…i wasn’t really surprise anymore….i’m used to it now….but i still enjoy it. To kill our bored, me n christina chatted a long the way. Talk about the other Xchange student and she told me about how hard her friends tried to teach her to pronounce every single word with oz accent. Well…i told u, it’s hard. Christina with her strong Yank accent !!!! But i still wanna learn it..i still have plenty of times here, the accent is really cool…..

Back to our problem please !!!!! Ok…after drove miles and miles and saw the farms…we came to The Tree Top Walk junction. we weren’t there yet….still 13 km to go !!!!! Anyway..couple secs later, i could see a huge giant gate. its title was Welcome to The Giant Tree Top Walk. "Yeah….We r here, finally" i cried. i felt so excited…. we looked for a car park…but we didn’t find one. there were lots of people…i thought there was only us in that place, but i was wrong. Mum said….It’s normal. and she also said "u’ll be surprised if u don’t see any japanese or chinese" and we did. There was no Japanese or Chinese,there were lots Germany instead. This place was bloody fantastic!!!!! I DO love this place…. after bought a ticket…Me n Christina started our "adventure".Mum n sharon didn’t come in, cos they had visited this place too often. So….when i first came in…i saw a huge long wonderful steel hanging bridge. we couldn’t shut our mouth, we always say "It’s gr8"….. We met lots of tourists, and we DO enjoy our walk on the bridge. The bridge swang slowly follow the wind and held our weight up. We took some pictures of the bridge n the trees…that was wicked….we walked slowly and always put our hands on the top of the bridge, because the bridge swang a lot and a bit fast. do u know why??? cos some of the tourists bounced on the bridge, run, or walked so fast. Well…i wasn’t so scared…i just enjoyed it. even sometimes, i followed what they did. I bounced on the bridge and i just laughed when an old couple turned around 2 see who did this. Hahahaha….christina said "it’s weird". Well….it’s not a new new view 4 me. cos in East Kalimantan…there’s a Tree Top Walk as well. There r some differences as well….This one made by steel and off course the people feel more confident and safer, but mine is made by wood. Mine has more varieties of trees n bigger and This one just abit smaller and less varieties. but i LOVE both of them….anyway….after we finished our walk on the bridge, we went to The Ancient Empire Walk. We walked around this place, took some pictures and saw funny shape unique trees. That was Wicked…. After that….we walked to the shop….and went out the Tree Top Walk…. We both felt happy about our experience today. i still feel excited. I WANNA COME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE….TAKE ME BACK !!!!!!

We went to the car park, n when i got in the car Mum said, just couple secs ago, Rob called her. he asked her whether i fell off from the bridge or not, and to tell her that they caught nothing on the beach…Poor Rob !!!! After that….we drove back to the junction. were we going home???? Not yet Mate… we drove to Peaceful bay…. just couple secs later…we finally got there. we drove around the village, n the funniest thing was every house has a title such as Home & Away, Neighbours, Dizze Lazze, etc…Hey…where’s Head Land ???? we still drove around it, and hop off to see the market…that was wicked…. and finally we ended up in a shop to buy our lunch. i tried "the Squid" n It was soooo beautiful. We ate our lunch in the edge of the beach, while seeing couple guys fishing, n watching a huge wave coming crash the rocks. That was nice…just 4 information…It’s the Most Tourism Place in Denmark.

And then…we drove again…. this time we drove to William Bay…this place is as good as peaceful bay. The water was calm n soooo blue. i felt like i wanna swim, but i couldn’t. because i didn’t put my bathers on and it was a bit windy. the water must be cold. Soo…we just enjoyed the view…and took some pictures. That’s enough…i still have time to do it….

And the next destination was Alpaca Farm…. We drove back to the way to Denmark, just couple kilos b4 Denmark, we turned left to the little road. We were on the way to Alpaca farm…i couldn’t wait anymore to see this place. cos Mum has told me about what this place has. Guess what???? i’m going 2 see my first koalas….how wicked is that !!!!! So When we got there, me n christina just hop off the car as soon as we can,n me, christina n Mum walked to the front gate to buy a entrance ticket. We walked out the office with 1 staff, and when we were outside i was so excited and my eyes just looked on 1 point. i couldn’t take my eyes off on it. What did i see ??? I SAW MY FIRST KOALAS…………….. Yeah…..Now my dream has come true…. Koala is The Cutest Animal ever. it has soft body, very cute looking, and tiny little eyes, and also funny teeth in the middle of its mouth. Mum said we were lucky, cos they’re awake. They usually sleep when she got there, and not only that….they were eating !!!!! They ate euchalyptus tree…. n u have to see them when they r sleeping. They r so cute….They bend over their body to the front and look Sooooo cute. I felt like wanna bring them back home…but off course i can’t. They r Sooooo Cute….maybe u think that i’m really exxagerate. Well…maybe ..but how can i control this feeling ???? i was n i am so excited….. After a while…. We went to the next door….and we saw kanggoroos and alpacas…. so we went in the blog, and suddenly 2 alpacas came straight away to us. i felt a bit scary at the first time….because they r high for animal body. they are about half of my body. Mum said "Don’t be scared…they r not dogs. u can feed them". So we fed them with the food that was given b4. when i fed them from my palm of hand…i felt so ticklish…..they was like lick my hand…and i always gigle because of that. and we were lucky again..cos a staff told us just half an hour ago b4 we came, there was a alpaca giving birth her child. so we could see the Brand New Baby Alpaca. and i felt so Lucky again…. because i saw and took some pictures of Kanggoroo, Its pouch and Joey…. I was so excited…. i remember fajar asked me about its pouch, whether it’s real or not. n he wanted a close up picture of it. n now i got it… i was so excited……. and more than that…. I felt so Lucky i could get it….. we fed the kanggoroos as well…and they r so cute n funny. I LOVE it…….. after that…we walked around the farm. we saw Pigs, Rabbits,Cows, Deers, Goats, Chooks, Emus, Byson, Tyson, Scotland Cows, england Horse, Camel. I gave a cuddle for the rabbit. They r so wicked…… and Then we walked back to the front. We saw Joeys… we could give them a cuddle…they are so tiny…. when i cuddled him…i felt like i cuddled a baby…..Soooooo cute…………… and then we went back to the shop…. bought some souvenirs…. there were lots of cute stuffs….. Time run soooooo fast….. i don’t wanna go home…i wanna still there. n I WANNA COME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Mum said "No need 2 worries…. i will bring u back here again b4 u go home, with the other xchange student" Yeah……. I’d LOVE IT……. Can’t wait until that day come…….. Come on xchange student….come to Albany…..We’ll take u to the greatest places ever…….. and on the way home…..Mum took us to The Denmark Look Out Tower . We could see all around Denmark from it.

And then we finally drove back 2 Albany. Take Christina n Sharon back home…… I couldn’t stop say Thank You to Mum for taking me out today n let me feel this excitement and happiness….. This is the last week for Christina in australia. This sunday…she’ll go home to america. Well….i will miss her so much…i lose 1 friend…but we’ll still keep in touch…..