Monday, 20 March 2006

Year 12 Ball

Year 12 ball was TOTALLY AWESOME……………

I have no idea how i can describe it….It’s just fully sick….

Hari Jumat (17 Maret), anak-anak year 12 pada nggak bisa belajar… Kita semua pada ngerasa excited. Lots of work to do in front of us, but we just can’t be bothered. we talked about the ball instead. N guru2 pada maklum . "I know u get over excited, at least try to finish 1 page at this lesson" kata Mr. Plant.

Well….finally friday is over…. nyampe di rumah…Rumah udah penuh ama mainan. Indi n Olie have come…. Yay…Jadi aku main-main ama mereka… Balik ke masa lalu nich….anyway…pagi-pagi dibangunin ma suara anak-anak itu. Sarapan, mandi, n main-main lagi bareng mereka. n 4 lunch….we had lunch picnic. n jam 4 an gitu…aku pergi ke rumah Sue bawa peralatan "perang" aku. Siap2 didandanin nih…Pas nyampe disana…dia nanya apa aku ada ide untuk rambutku. Trus aku bilang apa yang ada di pikiran aku, n dia bilang "i reckon that’s gonna come up good. That’s cool…well u get what u want."

Setelah…kira2 setengah jam berkutat disitu..selesai dech…Pas-pasan mum juga nongol disitu bareng indi n olie. Pas liat aku, mereka pada koor "Wooohooo…..look at her !!!"

"Nhira looks pretty…." kata Indi….

Hahahaha….well….bukan maksud hati jadi narsis sich…But sue did really good job. She just mixed the colour, and it came up really good. n my hair…That was just awesome….it was really suit with my outfit. Not too much not too less, just enough….

anyway…jam 5.30 pm, aku diantar Rob ke Pre ball, sebelum itu kita foto-foto dulu di lounge room. anyway…pre ball nya di rumahnya Kate. Nyampe disana, kita ber hai-hai ria. Yang lucu ya….pas kita semua pada ngumpul, ternayat aku, jess Da, jess Do, kate, n Veronica pada pake gaun merah. trus yang lain bilang "hey…we have the red group". I swear…it was totally coincidence….no agreement at all…..

Nggak lama kakaknya kate bawa 6 kotak pizza, well….kita maem pizza sebelum pergi ke ball. kita foto-foto disana… n pas beberapa menit sebelum kita semua ke ball…ada 1 mobil yang dateng. kita pada penasaran "Who’s coming??" ternyata nathan yang dateng.

Dia bawa bunga untuk Eila… n pas mereka berdiri hadap-hadapan gitu. kita pada koor "Ooohh…u two are soo cute. i wanna take your picture"

n pas mereka pergi ke mobil… kita liat nathan jalan ke arah pintu penumpang. Jess bilang "is he driving or there’s someone driving for them??"

"i reckon he’s driving jess"

trus tiba2 ada yang nyeletuk "is he gonna open the door for her??" n bener aja…nathan emnag bener2 bukain pintu untuk Eila. n kita2 yang ngawasin mereka dr jendela, langsung pada heboh. Kita semua pada koor "OOoooohh….." n mulai nyorakin mereka. Jess bilang "That’s the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen!!!!"

anyway…kita pergi ke PCYC (tempat acaranya), udah lumayan banyak yang disana…kita pada membaur…n kalau ketemu satu sama lain kita pasti saling peluk n bilang "U look gorgeous". Mereka suka banget ama tatanan rambutku n dress aku. Emang sih dress aku beda dr yang lain "Made in Indonesia loh". Atasannya red long sleeve silk gitu, n bawahannya rok tradisional gitu. Emang keliatan pas banget malem itu…Well….aku bilang sih kita gak cuma sekedar basa-basi, karena kita semua emang keliatan keren banget….. Banyak ketemu anak-anak dari sekolah lain…dikenalin ma mereka…seneng dech…

Gak lama acara nya dimulai…kita bakal ngelakuin ballroom dancing…. tapi kali ini aku nggak ikutan, cos i’m really crap eventhough i’ve practised it. lagian…tempatnya nggak cukup, klo kita semua pada dance. Karena malem itu, aku juga rada rada "shock". i felt really really stupid….Silly Nhira….how dare u think like that….It’s just the most stupid thing u’ve ever thought. It’s just hurt myself….

Untung ngilangin rasa gak enak itu…aku dancing aja…jaim??? Nggak ada istilah itu lagi…..Tuh perasaan ditendang jauh2…yang ada di otak cuma "have fun go mad…." Aku bayar mahal2 untuk ball ini, 1 kejadian sih nggak ada apa-apanya untuk menghancur leburkan malam ini. n there i was…. Pas bandnya lagi mainin lagu2 up beat. aku ma yang lain turun ke lantai dansa n dance. gak bener2 dance sich…free style dance lah…. alias jingkrak-jingkrakan…. maybe we looked like we were on alcohol, but we didn’t. well…maybe aku dikit2 dizzy…semaleman cuma minum cola n maem 7 strawberry cake. soalnya semua makanannya pada ham n bacon… But that was pretty nice….Anyway…dance jingkrak-jingkarakan…Gila ya….pake rok gitu…sepatu yang rada2 high heels n lompat-lompat lagi. Akhirnya…i had really heel sore feet all day. yang lain malah ngelepas sepatu mereka n dance.

pas udah jam 11.30 gitu, ball nya udah mau selesai. Awalnya aku udah nyerah, gak mau dance lagi… karena udah kecapekan. tapi pas band nya mainin lagu Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana, aku gak bisa nolak lagi. Karena nih lagu adalah lagu yang aku mainin pas pertunjukan musik terakhir aku. Well come on…Just for The last one. Puas jingkrak-jingkrakan ma althea n lucy, akhirnya kita misah. Pas keluar…Rob udah ada di parkiran…. jadi aku langsung pulang. nggak pergi ke post ball karena aku emang ngindarin itu. Too much alcohol….

Well…..i reckon that was pretty great night… i had sooo much fun… different experience but i like it…. btw, Tuh ball masih ninggalin sisa-sisanya nih…Telingaku masih berdengung-dengung, n now i’m feeling sick…i got really bad cold n i have really bad sore throat. Ooohh…please…..

Klo jumat kemaren year 12 pada nggak bisa ngerjain tugas karena kita pada excited…n hari ini kita tetep nggak bisa ngerjain tugas karena kita pada kecapekan… Year 12 were really really slow today…

sampe-sampe Mr. Maguire bilang "C’mon year 12…can’t we move on???"

No…we can’t Sir…..Just let us sleep…….

Saturday, 11 March 2006

For the all of the things i’ve been through

Dear Blog….

Time goes so fast

Everything comes and goes fast

Everyone’s home and away

I’m not desperate, i really am not. i just think about all of the things i’ve been through. Just sit on the swing or on the gazebo, listen to Shannon Noll CD, look at the garden and bite my lips, and all of my memory is ready to go. and one by one, they are pop in my head, and suddenly i see a huge white screen, and ges wot???? i’m the star. i can see myself…… On that screen….. doing heaps of thing….

i start watching that movie…. and i just screaming loudly….

Hey…look at that excited look….i was so excited when i was finally step my feet on aussie land

Hey…look at that shaking body….i was soooo cold, it was in the middle of winter when i came to aussie

Hey….look at that proud look….i was so proud when i introduced myself to my friends n my teacher. "Hey….i’m nhira, exchange student from Indonesia.Nice to meet u"

Hey…look at that silly look. i felt so stupid, when i couldn’t understand what my friends was talking about. and when i didn’t get what they meant.

Hey…look at that bright smile when i answered the question " long have u been here for?" "I’m gonna be here for 10 months"

Hey…look at that…i was laughing with all of my friends on the school auditorium.teasing each other, or i’m being the only victim of them.

Hey…look at that… i was laughing with my host mum n my host dad on the lounge room, laughing about something on the telly, or we were taking on piss of one of us.

Hey…look at that…. i was laughing with my host bros n host sis while we were having barbie.

Hey….look at that…. i was laughing with my host nieces n nephews while we were playing on the garden, or we spitted the water to each other.

Hey…look at that….i was smiling when i got goldy from my teacher.

Hey…look at that… i was smiling when i met my friends when we were on the way to our own classes.

Hey…look at that… i was so excited and happy when i got a call from my family

Hey…look at that grumpy look…. i was feeling really hot or maybe i was upset with "somebody" or when i couldn’t control this feeling.

Hey…look at that plain look…i was looking something that i didn’t really look at it or maybe i built a castle in the sky. Just pick one…..

Hey…look at that…. i was looking really worry about my test or maybe about the things i’ve done which wasn’t quite right.

Hey…look at that shiny eyes….i was so excited when the time for my fave programme was about to on or maybe i saw something that i liked

Hey…look at that blushy face… i was so blushing when my friends or my host fam talked something really nice about me.

Hey…look at that nasty look…. i was nearly crying when i felt hell sore feeling on my toe.

Hey….look at that grins look…. i was smiling transparently when i remember something funny that was happening. especially when i thought what my sister’s gonna say when she’s seeing me walking. "Jalan macet ya a’ ??"

Hey…look at that unmeanable look…i was so blank when i saw it look at me with its eyes. felt uncomfy…

Hey…… look at that miserable look…i was so confusing when i was thinking about my life after this, or exactly my life after the end of june 2006. when i walk towards the Garuda Airlines, fly to my home country and come to my own house.

Hey……look at that lazy look…when i heard someone asked me about "When do u leave us Nhira?" and the look when i answered "End of June". i tried to smile, but it’s just for hiding my feeling. and i felt much worse when they said "Ooohh…that’s soo soon, we r gonna miss u. i’m gonna cry when u leave us". Do u reckon i’m not gonna do the same thing???? i’m going to…maybe worse than u Mate !!!!!!

Hey….look at that serious look…. when i was studying or listening to the teacher or cooking something on my food production class

Hey…look at that tired look…. i was so tired after studied all day or cleaned the house or maybe did gardening, but i’m still happy though

Hey…look at that bright smile….when i heard mum said "Thanks for the tea darl…That was beautiful… u r my fairy"

Hey….look at that cloudy eyes….when i missed home sooo much. thought about my dad, mum, my sissy, all of my family. thought about everything that i’ve missed since i’ve been here…

hey….look at that guilty look….i felt so guilty for my family about the way i’m feeling now.

Hey…look at that look…i didn’t even know what my sight meant. i just felt really miserable, when i saw the pictures of my indonesian’s friends year book. i felt like…am i on the right place at the moment??? i belong to there…. but i’m not there !!!!!!!!!!

Hey….The movie finishes …. Huh….i’m feeling so relief…. i feel much happier now… The one thing i know is..i do the right thing. Don’t need to feel guilty, cos i’m doing the right thing. Thanks for making me realize that thing Dorothy….

Hhhhh….that was pretty much what i felt. more than that i suppose, but i really can’t be bothered to mention it one by one. That’s enough to tell about i’m Happy with the way i am in here….and hope still happy forever n ever.

i always love this phrase " Think positive, Smile to everyone then all of the happiness in the worlds is yours". Hope it is…and i hope u too Mate…

i really do wanna close this page with this sentence

"And Finally she lives happily ever after"

Have a grat life Mate !!!!