Sunday, 20 August 2006

Dear World…..

I wanna shout loudly….

OoooOOOoooIIIiiii……I’m 18th….

Duh…seneng banget akhirnya udah 18 tahun. but Ssstt…..sampe sekarang, aku blom ada KTP nih. Hihihi….penduduk gelap nih.

Pak RT jangan marah2 ya !!!!

Hehehe…pagi tadi kan aku masih di Penajam tuh. n pas bangun tidur, HP ku udah penuh ma sms dr anak2. Katanya macem2 tapi intinya tetep ngucapin Met Ultah. Hhh…rasanya beda aja gitu. Tahun kemaren, aku ngerayain Sweet 17 aku di luar, bareng orang2 yang notabenenya baru dikenal kurang dr 24 jam, n now…i’m back to my family’s embrace. Yuhuuu……

Jadi lebih ngerasain arti dari sebuah kejadian. i have more respect with the thing that i never took 4 granted. Hmm…..hari nih banyak banget kejadian yang terjadi. sampe lomba2 17an yang gokil abis. Nontonnya aja udah bikin sakit perut, gimana kalau ikut yah???

Aku dapet boneka pink n hal2 berbau pink dr keluargaku smua….Hmm…..tau aja apa yang aku mau. Hihihiihi…..

Hhh…Pusing neeeh. adek sepupuku bawel amat sih. Heboh sendiri ngeliat foto2 temennya di FS. Duh….Yang telmi nih sebenernya siapa sih??? udaH GITU pake nanya2 terus….mana bawelnya ampun2 an deh….

God….save me please !!!!

btw, Thanks ya Allah atas hari yang menyenangkan ini n atas limpahan rahmatMu selama ini. Nhira bersyukur udah hidup selama 18 tahun ini, n nhira pengen terus ngebahagiain ortu n chase my dreams. Hope i still have plenty of times to do it.

Thanks ya Allah…..

Thursday, 17 August 2006

Watch out !!!! your brain’s gonna blow up…..

Hehehehe…..^_^ Just Kidding…

your brain ain’t gonna blow up…well…mine is.

these last few days…all rite few weeks…i’ve been thinking a lot about everything. make me feel kinda happy, sad, confuse (well…it’s not me if i’m not), become too sensitive. anyway if u imagine my feeling as clothes u’ll say nothing but mix n match.

Ohh yeah…that’s what it is. but the question is why i suddenly think about all of these stuff??? Don’t ask me, don’t ask anybody either cos they won’t know. Get real…me the one who feel it know NOTHING about it, so how could u think they know???? Hahahaha……

Well…to be honest i really don’t know.

i just have more time to think i s’pose

i love to think about all of the things that happened in the past


that’s the word.

i just love to sit anywhere i feel comfortable n then just ask a question to myself "what did i do on this date at the same hour last year?" silly but it happens

n then all of those memories are ready to "attack" me….. i feel like they shout at me…."Nhira…u gotta remember me, or else…."

"Else what???" wish i could say that to myself. But it’s good though, i don’t think it’s a mistake to do that. for me it’s kinda a reflection for me…

did i do something useful last year???

did i just wasting my times???

or did i do something fun??? with whom???

n bla bla bla bla

in the end…i feel really relax…i feel like there r tons of stones r lifted from my shoulders. dunno why…but i just feel it.

speaking of flash back…i remember….Today 18th of august 2005. last year 18th of august 2005 i flew out to Australia. the place i always dream about… after all of those exhausted days….waited…waited…n waited for my visa…finally i got it. CORRECTION..WE GOT IT.

That’s the day i had to say goodbye to my parents, my sissy, n my nanna. Kinda sad…but i didn’t cry, i smiled instead. eventhough only God knows what i felt at that time. i didn’t wanna make such a drama…cos i always believe i’m going to come back here again.

it’s only temporarily goodbye….i’m going to face something new up…so cheer up n don’t think too much about the things u r leaving. n it worked…i didn’t cry until i was on the plane to perth.

u know what……

i don’t care if everyone says that i’m too sensitive or so….

i’m just trying to be honest to myself…

i don’t wanna keep it for myself, cos i wanna share it to u

cos i believe there’s at least 1 girl/boy who feel like i do….

i think it’s just the way we r to see something…

different’s not always a bad thing, is it?????

Thursday, 10 August 2006

ups n downs curve of our live

Have u ever thought about what u’ve done to your life???

What have u been doing lately???

Have u ever realized that u sometimes only have 1 chance of your life to do something??

Have u ever faced something that makes u think life is totally unpredictable, life is like a rollercoaster, life is like the movement of wheels ??? Have u???

Well…to be honest, i actually haven’t felt all of those things above. But i kinda know what they feel like…especially the last one

Life is like the movement of wheels. it’s sooooooo right, if i could give this a range mark, i would give 10 for it.

There’s nobody who always sits on the top, there’s one little time he sits on the bottom. n also other way around… all rite..flash back !!!!!

i remember last year, all of my friends came to my house to say goodbye to me. eventhough it was only 1 year goodbye, it was pretty sad. we’ve been together for several years n now we have to say goodbye. it just wasn’t seem right.

Nia wrote a letter to me, she wrote everything about us. about ur dreams, n heaps of silly things that only us could do… (Picture this …plan your future in front of the Batagor tent o the side of the street ). Hmm…kinda silly but it happened…. i brought that letter n other letters from friends of mine with me, they were pretty good medicine though, if i was missing home heaps, i just read all of those letters n another secs after that, u’ll see me laugh, cry n sometimes both. What a feeling !!!!! how could those bloody letters make me cry???? Ha???

Hmm….as i said, life is like the movement of wheels. the story above was about last year… MY PAST n now i live in the present, life’s still goes on…n i’m moving on. Well…everybody’s moving on. i only had a chance to meet some of my friends for a while, even i haven’t met some of them. Well…well…well….i came to nia’s house tonite, n it was really weird when i wrote a letter to her. now it’s time to her to go, try to reach her dreams n i’ll try to reach my dreams.

Hahahaha……….what a life can be!!!! u just never know what the hell is waiting for u ahead. is it bad ?? is it good?? are u gonna be happy?? u can reach your future, but can u have your past back?? can u catch the wind which made u fall really badly before??? can u??? even just to make sure u won’t fall because of the same wind anymore…. R U BRAVE ????????

now i throw this question to u… R U BRAVE ???? r u brave enough to admit all of your fault??? brave enough to see what the hell u did so that u failed ??? brave enough to finally build your mountain of hopes again ??? brave enough to convince yourselves to keep going n never give up???

R U ????????